K.A. Mielke (he/they) is the author of Victory Lap, Losing Hit Points. They love drinking too much coffee, writing about monsters, and dreaming up queer heroes

a long overdue update

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Welcome, one and all, to my website. I will be the first to tell you I am very bad at maintaining a website. This has only become more true in the last year, as now working out of the house has sapped all the energy I once had to maintain an active online presence. Social media feels like unrewarding work. Twitter’s corpse is being puppeted by the worst people on the internet. And grass feels so good on the fingertips.

Anyway, this is, as the title says, a long overdue update on my writerly comings and goings. Firstly, since my last post, my two big professional reviews for Losing hit Points came in!

CM: Canadian Review of Materials says:

“The strength of Losing Hit Points is in its character reflections and celebration of queer joy… The host of side characters are all wonderful additions to the plot and bring their own essences and unique personalities… Losing Hit Points is a fun read with important conversations about identity and acceptance. Recommended.”

And Kirkus concurs:

This accessibly written title will draw in reluctant readers and appeal especially to gamers. Journey and their friends come across as true-to-life nerds rather than the all-too-common caricatures… Will engage readers, leaving them alternately cheering and screaming at the cast.”

Feel free to click on the links embedded within the magazine names to read the reviews in full, rather than the sentences that make me look the best.

Moving on—

I have also been selling books. By hand! By mouth, as well, as simply handing books to strangers is not the most effective method of salesmanship. I’m finding this new aspect of Being an Author fun and also extremely tiring. I’m a zombie the day after. The day I sold zero books after standing at my table for eight hours keeps me humble, and makes every sale I do actually make exciting.

Finally, July is the month I hand in my final draft on my new Real Love book, which does not have a title or a web page or a press release. You will simply have to take my word for it when I say it not only exists, but is pretty good. More on that when it matters.

Social media obligation OVER. Good bye.

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